Tuesday, August 20, 2019

"We the North" Slogan is bad English

Toronto Raptors current slogan is "We the North," and it seems to be quite popular among Toronto fans. Personally, I wish the slogan was "We Are the North." It is proper English and doesn't cater to people who prefer normalizing grammatical errors.

When bringing this up, many have replied that the slogan is similar to something like, "We The People," and isn't actually a grammar error. My issue with that sentiment is that the phrase "We the People" is actually the beginning of a sentence rather than a full phrase. If the sentence stopped with "We the People," it wouldn't have made any sense.

In actuality, this slogan doesn't bother me much, and I'm no grammar nazi. They will probably not change it anytime soon, and it has no effect on me. However, I do value proper English enough to at least bring it up!

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